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Elevate Your Event.

Fairs - Festvals - Concerts - Sporting Events

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With 1000's of attendees....... photographers and videographers on the ground can only capture so much.

FLY CAM offers a unique perspective for any event, capturing unique camera paths and perspectives that can only be obtained by our UAV technology.



Aerial Media not only adds to future marketing efforts, but aids immensely in event logistics and planning. We can even program specific flight paths so you can see how your event is evolving year to year by viewing the exact same shot angle over time!





One more consideration. There is expected to be over 30,000 drones flying overhead in the next 5 years. Drones flying over Louisiana can be seen daily. In fact there were several hobby drones at this years French Quarter Festival in New Orleans, La. (not ours, we always get permission and ours are professional grade).  Some of the aerial footage taken was shown on WGNO's "News with a Twist" and to be honest, wasn't very flattering (behind-the-scenes, a porta-let).  


Contracting now with an low altitude aerial photographer can keep the hobbyist from showing up and flying a drone over your crowds. Currently there are no laws against them from doing this. If you hire us, we would enforce your copyrights to stop them on the spot.


Please contact us by using the form below to discuss how we can "Elevate your Event".



They are coming!


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